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Warfare 1917 Hacked Full Screen: Experience the Trenches of WWI in High Definition

Warfare 1917 is a great war game and you can play it online and for free. You know what's fun? Trench warfare during the first World War! With Warfare 1917 you get to watch your friends, family and fellow countrymen get blown to smithereens in pursuit of moving some imaginary line across the ground! Keep sending out waves after waves of soldiers as they are mowed down by the budding industrialization of war. After every victorious battle you get to upgrade your units and the technology with which you decimate the opposing army.

Warfare 1917 Hacked Full Screen

  • Warfare 1917 is a fun game of strategy, tactics and war. You are a military general in World War I and it is your duty to command your troops and lead them to victory. Before you start each battle you can upgrade your units. During a battle, you must deploy your troops to the trenches and help them advance across the battlefield to defeat the enemy. Your troops will only advanced when you have a certain number of soldiers in one place.Keep pressure on your enemy and keep your troops advancing. You must use a combination of troops to advance - don't simply use one type of troops - try using everything at your disposal such as riflemen, assault troopers and mortar troopers. Also remember to make use of your special abilities such as a mortar strike. This game is fun but also tactical and it will really make you think about your troop deployment and options!Release DateSeptember 2008DeveloperChris Condon developed this game.FeaturesMany units type to be deployed

  • You can buy upgrades as you level up

  • Plan your strategy carefully and set the battle flow

  • Custom battle is available

PlatformWarfare 1917 is a web browser game. ControlsUse the left mouse button to play.AdvertisementMore Games In This SeriesWarfare 1944Action

UPPER HAND IN MR, REWARD OF VALORBritish Aviators Carry Bulk ofFighting to GermanSide of Line.EASTER SUNDAY BATTLEFrom a Staff r.sponiient of the Associated PressWITH THE BRITISH ARMIES INFRANCE, April 8. via London, April 9.?Under a blue Easter sky bedeckedonly here and there with bits of filmywhite cloud, British aviators by thehundred continued today their work ofre-establishing beyond all question of... ;,k.. TKa..?*wuvi men ; III uic an. i"W* carried the fighting wholly into the enemyterritory, sought out their airdromes.military headquarters, ammunitiondumps and concentration campsand challenged the Germans In everypossible manner to come up and fight.In one instance the British fliers penetratedfifty miles behind the Germanlines. They fairly flew circles about anumerically superior enemy squadronthat sought to intercept them. Speedand maneuvering powers are the greatqualities of modern airplanes scout6and to have a plat e with the elite of theupper air the machines must develop inthe neighborhood of 150 miles an hourand be able to do tricks in flying thatno bird ever accomplished.Clouds Helped Germans.To the layman the weather seemedideal for flying, but the airmen wereinclined to complain because some ofthe woolly patches of cloud had enabledseveral hard pressed ? Germanaviators to take refuge in their mistand escape Immediate punishment."Give us three or four cloudless daysand we will hit the boche airmen sueh& blow that they won't be able to recoverall summer." said an enthusiasticwing subaltern to the correspondenttoday.The loss of twenty-eight machines inUUHlUlllg, Uglllillg, f/liuiugraphingand observing is counted bythe airmen as i small price to pay forthe work accomplished, considering thenumber of machines engaged, coupledalso with the fact that all those operationswere within German lines.Against the loss of the British machinesmust be placed fifteen Germanairplanes actually seen to crash downand thirty-one driven down damaged,most of which are believed to have beendestroyed. The British will not officiallyannounce a hostile machine destroyedunless two or more of their filersactually see the falling plane ablazeor watch it crash into a hopeless massof wreckage.Not Shaken by Losses.When fliers are engaged in fightingth formation is twenty or more machinesand when one begins to go downthere is seldom time to watch the completionof its earthward journey. Undersuch conditions a hostile machineis not counted in the total enemycasMauieB. nuwevci, mo uunau tyingt corps is absolutely unperturbedwhetn its losses exceed those of theeneny. The men philosophically regardthis as the penalty necessarily entailedin maintaining the offensive.Technically, the Germans seldom havea machine "missing." for with the lightingjL'oing on almost entirely on their ]sideTof the line all their machinesdriveli down can be accounted for.Th?lre is no comparison between theamount of work done by the British andGermkn machines. To airmen maintenanceof supremacy means ability toascen-f daily and accomplish whateveraerial^ work is desired. Although theGermans have been more active in recentweeks, they have never interferedat an> time seriously with this work.In bad weather, in which the Britishare unable to harass him, the bochegenerally starts prying over the Britishlines. Two days of fighting generallydiscourages him, however, to such anextent that the British believe a solidweek of fighting weather will disarrangehis flying plans for months tocome.Sw^rm Over Enemy Lines.The B-itish have a great preponderanceof -machines, and at least thirtyof these probably go over the Germanlines against one hostile machine flyingon this s;de of the trenches. This activitywithin the enemy territory mustalways he set against the ratio oflosses. The maintenance of a greatnumber oi machines enab'les the Britishto carry on a preponderance of artilleryfire, directing their shots, not byhazard or "off the map," but under theactual eyes of the airplanes.The constant aggressiveness of theBritish flyi ig corps and the willingnessof the spltndid young pilots and observers to take every manner or rietcmeans information for and protectionof the army on the ground to an extentwhich they regard as amply repayingtheir sacrifices. Under their* guidance on this Easter day the Britishguns were roaring all along thefar-reaching battle lines. It was &brilliant day for warfare, as well asair fighting.Such a day developed incidents beyondmeasures. Planes coulil be seendarting in and out of fleecy cloudbanks, glinting at times like bits ofsilver in the sunshine and flashingaway almost with the speed of a sunbeamitself. The distant patter ofmachine guns often told of fightingbehind a cloud screen or at such aheight that the machines were lost toview.The task of suppressing the Germanairmen is greater today than it wasl km* tka tj-i i uv. .. .(k > rai uut uio ui IIIDII iibiq cciabout to accomplish it with all possiblepeed.DESPERATE APPEALS HADE.German Newspapers Urge Public toSubscribe to War Loan.AMSTERDAM, via London. April 14,9:07 p.m.?Desperate appeals are beingmade in the German newspapers to thepublic to subscribe to the sixth warloan, which closes at 1 o'clock in theafternoon on April 16. Some of thephrases usea ny ine papers are:"Give a straight answer to Wilson,""America now an open instead of a see-retenemy." "Pretext for the war isthe unrestricted submarine warfare,"# "Wilson does not hesitate to endeavorto split the German people and Germangovernment," "How little Wilson knowsabout the German nation and Germancharacter!" "Pay up"Commerce Department Changes.The Department of Commerce has announcedthe following changes in itspersonnel: In the bureau of the census.Henry W. fiardes, a rlerk at SI.200. haaresigned; William M. Mason was promotedfrom messenger at $810 to skilledlaborer at $900. and John M. Kane,messenger, was promoted from 17110 to$810.In the bureau of foreign and domesticcommerce. Daniel E. Casey was transferredfrom editorial assistant at $1,000to commercial agent at New York at$3 000; Charles E Herring, clerk, waspromoted from $1,600 to $1,600. andJane Mills was probatlonally appointeda clerk at $900.In the coast and geodetic survey. DN Hoover, plate printer at $2,000. WallaceW. Klrby. expert lithographer at$1.1100. and Henry I. Wilson, assistantplate printer at $900. have resigned.Atherton H. Mears was prebatlonalljrappointed as a laboratory assistant at11,000, and Walter C. Fedde as an aid Iat $720 in the bureau of standards. J[ TV";-:; X. -. ......HAIR TRADE MUCH LESSSINCE CHINA CUT QUEUESFall of Kanchu Dynasty and the AccompanyingReforms DecreasaUnited States Imports.Since 1913 the queues of men inChina have not been readily obtainable,and hair dealers are becoming moreand more dependent upon the combingsof women for the millions of poundsof human hair exported to the UnitedStates annually for use in the manufactureof the so-called "invisible" netsworn by women over their hair.Exports of human hair from Chinain 1915 were 1.919,200 pounds, reportsConsul General Thomas Sammons. atShanghai, to the Commerce Department,in the course of whose reportthe above facts were brought out.It would take about 90,000.00ft queues,adorning half the heads in China, to make up the hair shipped from Chinain the past six years, the consul says.The formal abolition of the queuewith the fall of the Manchu dynastywill not kilt the hair trade, he pointsout. as moat of the older Chinese probablywill continue to wear queues. Thenewer generation probably will dropthe queue, but, then, there will be Chinesewomen's hair to fall back on.All human hair must be officiallydisinfected before it can be exportedto the United States. Most of the exportsgo to England, France and theUnited States, where the hair is manufacturedinto switches, curie, bangs.w tgs, etc., of such color as may oe nestred. The process consists of bleaching,thinning by acid and boiling indye. As a result the hair becomesfiner and softer, and Incidentally cleanerand more sanitary, since any one ofthe processes is sterilizing, the consulpoints out.FRENCH HERO RUNS WILD;FACES GRAVE CHARGEPARIS, April 14.?Sub-Lieut. Jean Navarre,the famous French aviator, isbeing sought by the police on a war- :rant charging him with attempted homi- 1ride. Since he was wounded severelylast June, according to the PetitParisien, he has acted in a most eccentricmanner, but was punished lightly,in view of the splendid services hehad rendered his country.Recently he had a dispute with the 1police, in which he was worsted. Thisappeared to anger him and a few nights ;ago he set out in an automobile andspeeded through the principal streets of 'Paris, knocking down every policeman 'he saw. As a result five patrolmen weretaken to hospitals and several otherswere bruised severely.The aviator's friends, the Petit Parisienadds, believe that he is not fully 1responsible for his acts.Navarre is one of the most famous of 'the French airmen. Officially he Is reportedto have brought down at leasteleven German machines, and Parisnewspapers attrioute to him the destructionof nineteen German airplanes. 1Last fall he was awarded the grand goldmedal of the French Aero Club. In Octoberit was reported that he had beenarrested for fighting in a Paris theater.vrnr nprtmic acctyitstttiJH?n w **W?WXVMMJU.Second lieutenants Becently AppointedAre Sent to Organizations.Second lieutenants recently appoint- 1ed from civil life have been assigned !to regiments as follows:Joseph M- Hurt, Jr., 1st Cavalry: 1George I. Speer. 2d Cavalry; Charles B.Duncan, 2d Cavalry; Ferris M. Ange* ,vine. 6th Cavalry; Julian W. Cunning- 1ham. 7th Cavalry; Sam George Fuller, }6th Cavalry; Clinton Albert Pierce, 12th \Cavalry; Thomas McFarland Cockrill, I3d Cavalry ;* Pelmore Stephen Wood, 7thCavalry; Thomas Mcllvaine Turner. 1stCavalry; Horace Lyle Hudson. 6th Cavalry:Lawrence Cordell Frixxell, 7thCavalry; Jean Frederick Sabin, 8th ]Cavalry; Robert Fuiton White. 12thCavalry; Henry Davis Jay. 13th Cavalry;George Ralph Barker, 14th Cavalry;Ray Lawrence Burnell, 16th Cav- ^airy; Arthur Winton Hartman, 2d Cav- 1airy; John William Berry, 5th Cavalry; (Joseph Nixon Marx. 5th Cavalry; Stacy 1Knopf, 3d Field Artillery; James M. iGarrett, jr.. 8th Field Artillery; David \M. Pope, 4th Field Artillery; Harry B.Weston. 8th Field Artillery: Eugene 1Henry Wlllenbucher. 5th Field Artil- ilery; Louis C. Arthur. Jr., 3d Field Artil- lery; John Flavel Hubbard, Brh FieldArtillery; F. MoKenzie Davison, 8thField Artillery; William Edgar Shep- 1herd, Jr., 7th Field Artillery; Evan C. Seaman. Coast Artillery Corps; Clar- ,ence E. Cotter, Coast Artillery Corps;Gordon Bennett Welch, Coast ArtilleryCorps; James Moore Evans. Coast 1Artillery Corps; Cedric Ferris Maguire,Coast Artillery Corps; Edward Eugene 'Murphy. Coast Artillery Corps; Mar- 1shall McDiarmid Williams, jr.. CoastArtillery Corps: Henry Raslck Behrens,Coast Artillery Corps; Edward Clar- 1ence Seeds. Coast Artillery Corps; EdisonAlbert Lynn, Coast Artillery Corps;XT, .1 I , _1,11xniiivn ncivo oiui i m, i.unRi AriiueryCorps; Guy Humphrey, Drewry, CoastArtillery Corps; Kirke B. EverBon, 4thInfantry; John Colford Daly, lithe Infantry;Paul Everton Peabody 26th Infantry;Ibert Francis Ohristensen, 34thInfantry; William Stirling Maxwell.30th Infantry, and Ernest Hill Burt,14th Infantry.BOY SCOUTS PREPARED.Ready to Aid Red Crois and U. S.Coait Guard.NEW YORK. April 14.?Members ofthe Boy Scouts of America are preparingte aid the American National RedCross and the United States coastguard service in war In addition to thehelp they have already promised inincreasing the nation's food supply byplacing unoccupied lands under cultivation.Plans have been worked out with theRed Cross, it was announced today, toutilize the. boys in making surgicaldressings, acting as orderlies and inother ways. Meanwhile legislation isbeing prepared with the approval ofSecretary Daniels for enactment byCongress authorizing Boy Scouts fifteenyears and older to co-operate withcoast guard and navy officials in thecapacity of lookouts at visual stationsand lighthouses and to do telegraph,wireless and semaphore work With75,000 boys available along seacoastterritory, it is hoped this number ofable-bodied men may be released forsterner service.BAGGAGE MASTER IS HURT.Mixed Paiienger and Freight TrainWrecked in North Carolina.CHARLOTTE. N. C.. April 14.?Southcrn railway train No. 23, TaylorsviUeto Charlotte, a mlxeil passenger andfreight train, wait wrecked one milewest of Hiddenlte this morning HaggageMaster L. B. Coone was seriouslyi hurt.The trucks of a freight car left thetrack and two passenger coaches andthree freight care followed. The trackwas torn up a distance of a hundredyards.Gen. Bulkeley-Johnion Killed.LONDON. April 14.?According to theDally Express Brig. Gen. Charlesj Bulkeley-Johnson, a famous cavalryleader, was killed during the brilliant1 cavalry charge which contributed to thecapture of Monchy-le-Preux. Uen.Bulkeley-Johnson was an aid-da-campto JClng George.v?SOME PRINCETON MENNOW IN PUBLIC'S EYEHeaded by Woodrow Wilson, TheyHow Are Playing ProminentBoles.A Princeton graduate living in Washington,whose tenth reunion is historyarid who is beginning to anticipate hisfifteenth, was spending an uneventfulEaster Sunday browsing in an oldbookcase. An unremembered universitycatalog for the years 1904-1905caught his eye; he took it down andidly ran through its pages. His attention was arrested and his interestaroused by a number of names, occurringhere and there, among facultyand student body, which a decade andmore later were to have vastly differentsignificances and which representedmen who were later to becomemembers, more or less prominent, of agovernmental administration the verypossibility of which was then unthoughtof.Wilson Heads the List.At the top of page 20 is the name"Woodrow Wilson, Ph. p., Litt. D., LL.D., president of the university; McCormick,professor of jurisprudenceand politics, and, in the absence of theGovernor of New Jersey, president ofthe board of trustees."On a page closely following is thename "Winthrop More Daniels, A. M.,professor of political economy." Prof.I>aniels is now and has for severalyears past been a member of the interstatecommerce commission.Next to Mr. Daniels' name comesthat of "John Grier Hibben, Ph. D.,Stuart professor of logic." Dr. Hibbenis now the president of the University,and. while not a member of the administration,has, through his enthusiasticand practical advocacy of the preparednessidea, closely aligned himself withone of its principal campaigns.A few names farther on cornea"Henry van Dyke, D. D., LL. D.. Murrayprofessor of English literature."Dr. Van Dyke was for some time therepresentative of the administrationand country as United States ministerat The Hague.Henry Skillman Breckinridge, listedas an academic sophomore, from Washington,D. C., was, until last year, assistantsecretary of war. resigning togetherwith his chief, Mr. Garrison.Brother-ln-Law of President.Then comes "Stockton Axson, A. M.,assistant professor of English," urotnerof the late Ellen Louise Axson Wilsonand the President's brother-in-lawthrough the lather's first marriage.Grover Cleveland, LL. D., a prominentmember of the last previous democraticadministration, is listed onpage 31, by the way, as the incumbentof the Stafford Little lectureship on publicaffairs.Louis Garner Bissell is listed amongthose on whom degrees were conferredIn 1904. Mr. Bissell until recently waschief examiner of the interstate commercecommission.Frederick B. Laforge, a senior in theschool of science, is now a chemist inthe Department of Agriculture. NormanVan der Veer, a former memberof the same class, is an officer in thenavy; jonn rtaie siuiesman, nis cia?smate,is an officer in the army. Doubtlessthere are others, could the graduateplace them.Aha: Who is this listed on page 328,among the academic juniors? Well,well, if it isn't Alexander WilliamBannwart of Boston, Mass.. the recentantagonist, for a few seconds, of SenatorHenry Cabot Lodge, who is nowknown as the man who "put the fist inpacifist.' "FIND EVIDENCE OF PLOT.Eddystone Officials Say Experts WillMake Beport.CHESTER, Pa.. April 14.?GeneralManager W. G. Wilhelm of the EddystoneAmmunition Corporation said toJay that the company s investigationinto last Tuesday's explosion, in whichmore than 125 persons lost their lives,indicated evidence that the disaster wasthe result of an inside plot. He wouldnot say what the nature of the evidenceis. nor would he give any further informationabout the company's inquiry.He did say, however, the company's expertsexpected to make a report nextweek.The government. through severalagencies, state officials and local authoritiesare continuing their independentinvestigations, but nothing has beengiven out as to what progress is beingmade.A number of the dead, mostly womenand girls, were buried today. Other funereis win MB ueiu luiuunuw miu .VIUJJday.RATE DECISION SOON.Interstate Commerce CommissionExpected to Act Promptly.The interstate commerce commissionis expected to act within the next fewdays upon the petitions of railroadsof the country for an increase of 15per cent in freight rates.All ..n.lar /.nnui/loro ? Un ktrthe commission favor having- new ratesbecome effective not later than June 1,and it appears probable that any increasesauthorized will go into effecton that date.The railroads have placed before thecommission, after a two-day conferencewith the tariff division of thecommission, proposals involving theintricate technical details of makingthe proposed rates effective by a supplementto existing tariffs. To formulateand print the proposed new tariffs,giving each rate in dollars and cents,would require months of labor.The present plan would dispense withthat method so far as possible and.while supplementary tariffs would befiled, they would show plainly the newratesin dollars und cents, a short computationonjy being required.FOOD OF SAILORS SEIZED.XT in finon Tina t lift XT mi*, axtorwcgiauB *? ?*? *? **v MWUIO.Part of Crew Missing.LONDON. April 14. ? A Christianladispatch to the Morning Post saya thatthe captain and eight men of the Norwegiansailing vessel Fremad werelanded Wednesday by a steamer whichrescued them after they were lishours In an open boat.The captain of the Fremad says theGermans took all provisions off hisvessel. Including those for the lifeboats.The Fromad's second boat,with the remainder of the crew, ismissing.There are seven Norwegian sailingvessels named Fremad. They are allsmall boats, the largest measuringonly 122 tons.Texas to Ship Many Onions.Heavy shipments from Texas soonWlll relieve the country-wide shortageof onions and aend prices down, the Departmentof Agriculture announcedyesterday. Within the last few daysTexas has begun to supply the countrywith more than 100 cars of onions dallyThe crop Is two weeks later this seasonthan usual, but 20 per cent largerthai* season. _ RaSIGHTING THROUGH TH1VANIA?OBJECTS AT GBY: ' " ? '? 11 111WILLIAM H. RITENOUR'SWOUNDS PROVE FATALMember of Naval Reserve Dies asResult of Accidental Wound ReceivedWednesday Night.William H. Ritenour, twenty-threeyears old, a clerk in' the land office andmember of the District naval reserves,died at Naval Hospital last night about9:30 o'clock, as a result of a wound he-,received Wednesday night while doingguard duty in the navy yard, being thefirst death that has occurred in this cityas a result of the war.Coroner Nevitt viewed the body atthe hospital, heard statements as tohow Ritenour was shot through the jbodv with a service revolver and gave ja certificate of accidental death. Rela- ]tlves of the dead man. while admitting: jhis death resulted from an #ecldent. Iclaim the shooting was not the fault of ithe unfortunate man, but the fault ofa rookie. They may ask that an inquestbe held.It is agreed that the accident happenedabout 10 o'clock Wednesdaynight, the hour at which Ritenour wasrelieved from duty, and when he wasdue to transfer a forty-five-caliber servicerevolver to the guard who relievedhim. It is the claim of relatives that the relief guard dropped the revolver .that was discharged, the bullet passing wthrough Ritenour's body, cutting the }intestines and doing other injury.The wounded man was hurried to JNaval Hospital, where surgeons made jan examination and reported that he was dangerously wounded. Marly last 2ff7e9595c

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